blog is my attempt to change that habit and convert the free time I have and
channel it into something productive, something that can help get the
proverbial juices flowing or inspire something else. This made me think about
how people handle stress in different ways, some exercise, some write, some
become comatose, like yours truly.
Traits I admire in People
- Genuineness: Now I don’t want to sound like one of those old people moaning about the younger generation but it’s true that this trait is very rare these days. To be honest, sincere and true to the world about who you are, without being apologetic about oneself, especially in a world where so much emphasis is placed on the superficial is a truly beautiful quality. You can’t have a real relationship without being honest, which means having the strength to give unpopular feedback, tactfully of course and that includes the strength to face the consequences for the telling the truth.
- Tolerance: Something that is quite common in the generation younger than 30 and mistaken for ‘a-don’t-care-attitude’ by the older generation. This is a live and let live philosophy. If someone came to me asking for their opinion on something in their life, then perhaps I can give that to them but otherwise, it’s their life and their wish on how they want to live it. People are quirky and have their own idiosyncrasies and a tolerant person makes them feel comfortable in their own skin, a very important factor in maintaining healthy relationships.
- Patience: Some people need to be
patient for their job, any job involving children is one of them. I can’t explain how math teachers I have seen have absolutely zero patience who try to teach
a 10 year old how to divide fractions. It just can’t be done. Yelling, shouting
or getting frustrated is not the way.
- Selflessness: In this hectic ‘every-man-for-himself’ world, it’s really refreshing to see someone who helps someone else out, whether by giving their time, effort or by simply showing that they care by listening and showing love for no personal gain. A giving and generous person can make others feel loved and appreciated.
- Sensitivity: Goes hand in hand with the others but to make someone feel appreciated, understood and valued is exceptional because most people forget to look at what’s happening outside of their bubble, so focused that we are on ourselves. These people are also incredibly self-aware, making them mindful of their words’ and actions’ impacts on others.
- Humility: A person who is super-smart,
really talented or beautiful who just doesn’t see it, or perhaps does but is
good at not showcasing it in a way to undermine others. Of course, there is a
fine line between being a doormat and letting other people with talent walk all
over you because they are drama queens.
- Willingness to learn: There’s something very sexy about a man (and I’m sure, a woman for those interested in women) who intertwine their fingers and place their clasped hands under their chin, waiting for the person sitting opposite to spill their expertise on any given subject. A person with an open mind willing to rid his ignorance is sexy. (Maybe this only applies to me because I enjoy talking about intellectual stuff :S)
- Curiosity: This is a trait that always
seems to get people in trouble and I’m definitely not condoning that but, there
is something to be said for a person who is always ready to try something new
(whether that is a cuisine or a new activity), a person who will agreeably
sneak under the ropes to see what’s behind the ‘Trespassers will be prosecuted’
area! Which brings me to…
- Common Sense!: Much more rarer than you would think…there are plenty of smart people out there lacking this particular gene but you can imagine how disastrous things can get before they realise it!
- Integrity: In a time when people
will do things that are underhanded to make an extra quid, expose their
personal lives to the public so they can be famous and do what feels good in
the moment without necessarily thinking of the consequences, integrity is a
characteristic that is especially unique today.
- Effective Stress Management: exercising, boxing, dancing, singing, writing…
Who knows how many of these I
genuinely have, well I hope to have most of them…but I do know that patient and
effective stress management are two which allude me…but it’s all part of the
self-improvement journey.
Have I covered the most
important personality traits or something important I missed? Comment below
P.S. Just for some laughs, watch this :) I'll go into my theories of its implications in our future in a future post!
Hey Shrusti,
ReplyDeleteI love to read your stuff. :)Just randomly commenting on this one.
A person with an open mind willing to rid his ignorance is sexy. Brilliantly put and freakishly true. :)
Muchas gracias :) Ignorant close-minded men are the worst, esp for the intellectual chatterboxes like us out there!
ReplyDeletesuper liked this one ...never knew u r fountain of ideas....way to GOOOOOOOo.....