I’ve had this conversation with a few people, some who had no idea what it was and reacted both positively to the concept but negatively to the name. Doesn’t that just reinforce the same idea? That slut’s negative connotation needs to change (although it’s a secondary goal).
Ok, back to the point. Slutwalk’s central purposes:
- Sexual assault is violence, not sex.
- No behaviour or dress justifies sexual assault.
- Victims of sexual assault shouldn’t be blamed for their violation.
Protection is not granted because of the clothes we wear, how much we’ve had to drink, how we may have danced in a club, if we’re allowed outside to play or any other factor presented as defence. Protection is granted for every single member of society because society works best when we are treated the same without exception. A person told to ‘lie back and enjoy it’, ‘you shouldn’t drink so much’, ‘you shouldn’t have lead them on’ or that they are ‘strays’ or ‘dressed like peadophile/rape bait’ is being told they don’t have the same rights as the criminal who attacked them. Breaking the Cycle by Amy Gray
I have done a background of Slutwalk before so go check it out for more information and an interesting article from an Indian cultural perspective. The reason I’m writing this again is because I’ve mentally organised myself a bit more.
I used to have a problem with the term ‘Slutwalk’, because it seemed to have implications that people should embrace their inner slut and encourage people to behave promiscuously. This seemed to detract from the main tenets of sexual assault and allowing a woman to do as she wishes.
However, I have come to reinterpret this as taking back the word Slut. Let’s attack this from a different perspective: what’s a male version of a slut? I can think of player and stud; I’m sure you see where I’m going with this…Both these words have a relatively good connotation, if not, at least dependent on context. Let’s change the connotation of words! (Maybe the next time your girlfriend is flirting with a hot guy, you call her a slut and wink!)
To clarify, a woman has the right to not do and act as she pleases, but she has the right to be herself without fear of physical attack or mental torment.
I’m going to support Slutwalk by walking (if the dates don’t coincide with travel plans) and by participating in lots of discussions surrounding it.
Google your location and Slutwalk 2012: you might still be able to catch it!